We are so thrilled to announce a partnership with Transition Village Wallan.  An anonymous donor thought it was such a wonderful project that they generously donated funds to them for the purpose of igniting their digital presence, strategizing for the online world including a new build for their website.

How it happened:

Digital Services Lab submitted a proposal to the group and we knocked their socks off!  Well not literally, but we were unanimously voted in by the Committee of Management as their Digital Partner.

So what does this mean?  Well, we have agreed to design and build them a fabulous new website AND we have put them on a Digital Assist Plan meaning that for the course of a year they have credits to use our services at an average of eight hours per month.  It’s the perfect package for a newer organisation who does not have the technical skills within its team to carry out some of the work they require.

What we have been working on:
  • sense-making of the Digital aspects of their business
  • putting processes in place for Gsuite for non-profits
  • establishing mail chimp
  • pulling everything together in a manual (great for succession planning)
  • setting up some social media strategies
  • working on a campaign plan for their annual fundraiser
  • setting up a Canva (graphic design) account for them
  • anything else that the CEO or team just can’t find time for
  • training will be given to their staff in the future

The great thing about this is we are so comfortable using all these digital tools, and we are always using them, we find we often complete tasks in a quarter of the time of a team member for whom it is not their specialisation.

Who is Transition Village Wallan?

Put simply they are a group of passionate, dedicated and amazing volunteers in pursuit of equality for the homeless.  They are currently building a Village of off-the-grid Tiny Homes that a homeless person can call home for a 12 month period.  In this time the resident will be supported to build the confidence and internal resources an external supports they need to transition into sustainable houses.  For each person, the experience and outcome will be different.  It’s very exciting and we are looking forward to all stages of this project come to life.

Thanks, Transition Village Wallan – we LOVE that we are working with you.


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