Password Security Basics for Nonprofits

Password Security Basics for Nonprofits

Password security is crucial! I am often accused of being too paranoid, but the truth is, I just take good precautions and ones that we should all take. Password security is a lot easier than you might think and can actually make your life easier. As a web developer,...
Online Donations Tool for your website

Online Donations Tool for your website

If you’re running a non-profit website then at the very least, you need an online donations tool. My go-to tool for online donations is GIVE.  I installed this one at the small non-profit I run, Ellimatta Youth was very happy with it. Give is FREE And I give it...
A Website Evaluation Checklist

A Website Evaluation Checklist

It is often hard to get the time to think about what your website is doing and if it is still serving you in the manner you had hoped.  We’ve put together a very simple infographic to help you review your website. You can download the infographic by...